(Computer) Fortunes, Follies And Far-Out Ideas...

Mapmaker: Reynolds-Bartiromo

(Computer) Fortunes, Follies And Far-Out Ideas...


  • Apple
  • Computer culture
  • electronics
  • Tech
  • Fortunes, Follies And Far-Out Ideas-A Look Back At The Personal Computer Era, Bartimo - San Jose Mercury, c. 1987
    It's an interesting gesture for a newspaper to see the need to make such a timeline poster. It points to the acceleration and the breathtaking challenge of keeping up with this rapidly growing field. Starting in 1977, each year identifies several months in which there was another landmark worth noting.
    One easy iconic company to watch was the growth of Apple, from 1977 and the introduction of the Apple II, then in December of 1980 its stock goes public ($22), not long after in 1982 Waz introduces the "US" festivals. It's an amazing instance of going from anonimity to impact in such a short period.

    Condition is very good for this laminated poster. Overall size is 17 x 22.75 (inches)