(NY. - Aviation) New York Metroplex

Mapmaker: US Comm

(NY. - Aviation) New York Metroplex


  • Air Age
  • aviation
  • New York
  • new york city

  • (NY. - Aviation) New York Metroplex, US Comm, 1970
    It's interesting that the base map of the NYC metro area that this map is centered on is so faint that's it's almost imperceptible, and that's reasonable. This map shows the important aviation structures of the "holding patterns", the dedicated airspace that would handle air traffic around the regional airports. With clear routes showing how planes should approach and depart their airports, it's amazingly dense, and astoundingly effective. Not even seventy years are the advent of powered flight and traffic concentrations have become focus. Condition is very good with some marginal soiling. Overall size is approximately 18 x 22 (inches)