(Alaska) Chart of the Northern Passage Between Asia & America

Mapmaker: Thomson

(Alaska) Chart of the Northern Passage Between Asia & America

c. 1817

  • ~Catalog 59~
  • (Alaska) Chart of the Northern Passage Between Asia & America

    A classic early map which focuses what would become Alaska, but here is a primitive coast heavily indebted to the information of Cook's voyages, and an interior that is only sourced from Mackenzie's explorations. The American coast spans roughly from Los Angeles up to the Alaskan coast which ends approximately just south of Wainwright. Beyond the coast is notation that "The further progress of the Ships Northward was rendered impossible by Ice extending from Continent to Continent". On the Asian side, numerous native tribes are noted, as well as a developed understanding of the river systems. Each of the Aleutian islands are named, extending out to "Berings I.", just off the Kamchatka coast.

    Condition is good, with some light off setting Image size is approximately 19.5 x 23.5 (inches)