(Alaska - Glacier Bay) The Glaciers of South Eastern Alaska

Mapmaker: Royal Geographic Society

(Alaska - Glacier Bay) The Glaciers of South Eastern Alaska


  • ~Catalog 57~
  • The Glaciers of South Eastern Alaska...

    A fine map from the great Royal Geographical Society that strove to understand some of the more remote regions of the world. This map details an interesting portion of southern Alaska, looking at what is today the Glacier Bay Park & Wilderness Park, just north of Chichagof island and its town of Sitka. Looks distinctly at the glaciation throughout, from Brady Glacier to Muir Glacier. Interestingly it notes a "Deserted Indian Village" on the Brady Glacier, not far from Taylor Bay.

    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 14.25 x 8 (inches)