(Alaska) The Last Frontier

Mapmaker: Chase, J. Francis

(Alaska) The Last Frontier


  • ~Catalog 55~
  • (Alaska) The Last Frontier

    A fun decorative map of what was at the time the massive territory to the north and the "Last Frontier". Colorfully shows the contours of the region with major towns noted and vignettes of local character. The nearby seas are full of fishing boats, as well as a steamer coming up from Seattle. Our first encounter with this map, it is issued on board and has an description sheet that mentions..."This is a reproduction of a map designed in colors by J. Francis Chase, of Chicago. It was reproduced by the remarkable new Phototone process which captures and reproduces every color tone and detail as the artist planned.

    Condition is good with some soiling and light scuffy. Image size is approximately 13.5 x 15.75