(Asia) ASIA Secundum legitimas...

Mapmaker: Homann Heirs

(Asia) ASIA Secundum legitimas...


  • - Asia & Middle East
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    (Asia) ASIA Secundum legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae regulas et juxta recentissimas observationes aeque et relationes explosis aliorum fabulosis designationibus et narrationibus adhibitis quoque veterum monumentis et recentiorum itinerariis descripta et in partes suas methodicas IX divisa a I. MATTH. HASIO M.P.P.O. nunc ex beate dejuncti subsidiis et M.S.Ctis designata a M. August Gott. Iohb. Boehmio. Impensis Homannianorum Heredum A 1744., Homann & Heirs, 1744
    A crisp, hand-colored map for the vast continent, with amazing precision for the period. From the remote reaches of Kamchatka and Asiatic Russia, to Japan, the Philippines, and
    Southeast Asia, the form and scale of the geography is familiar and reasonably distorted. The Middle East likewise is well detailed for towns and major terrain, with even some roads
    included. Even areas like the Caspian Sea which was late to be charted is here shown quite recognizably.
    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 19.25 x 21.25 (inches)