(Asia-East Indies) Messageries Maritimes

Mapmaker: Baille, Herve

(Asia-East Indies) Messageries Maritimes

c. 1948

  • ~Holiday~2016
  • Messageries Maritimes "Viet-Nam" "Cambodge" "Laos" Courriers d'Extreme-Orient

    Baille was an artist and illustrator with the privilege of being the official French "Navy Artist" in 1947. A skillest watercolorist and illustrator, this large scale map of Southeast Asia showcases his fluid and active style. Here an advertising route map for the far flung portions of the far East, from Kobe and Yokohama Japan, to Hong Kong, Manila, Haiphong, Saigon, Singapore and beyond to Sri Lankan city of Colombo.

    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 22 x 34.5 (inches)