Bakersfield map to Mojave, California maps, Wheeler Survey, Kern Lake

Mapmaker: Wheeler - US Govt.

(CA. - Bakersfield to Mojave) Atlas Sheet No. 73 (A)

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  • Bakersfield
  • CA.
  • california
  • Wheeler Survey
  • (CA. - Bakersfield to Mojave)Atlas Sheet No. 73 (A), Land Classification Map Of Part Of Southern California, Wheeler Survey - U.S. Govt., 1879

    It's a thorough Army mapping of the region that was unparalleled at the time. With fine detail for the hills and mountains, it also includes the towns and roads (some named), from the "Alkali Flats" of the "Mohave Desert", to the "Agricutlural" lands around Bakersfield. Interesting notations for ranches and indian settlements.

    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 18 x 20.25 (inches)