(CA. - Los Angeles) "Greater!" Los Angeles

Mapmaker: Hammack, E. S.

(CA. - Los Angeles) "Greater!" Los Angeles

Regular price $360.00
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  • california
  • Los Angeles
  • Pictorial
  • Pictorial Maps
  • Southern California
  • (CA. - Los Angeles) "Greater!" Los Angeles -and The Best Of The United States As Seen Thru The Sun-Kissed Glasses Of A Los Angeleno, Hammack, 1939
    While the concept of the "Nation as seen through the eyes of...." map was a popular approach for the time and played of the distorted perspectives that Americans could have regionally, this is an uncommon view from the Los Angeleno. Full of tongue-in-cheek misshapen states and cities it has a wildly augmented Los Angeles, full of vignettes. Also interesting is the "Glossary" of terms used by the Los Angeleno, and might hint at the roots of modern valleyspeak, as it shows "Colossal - Not so small" and "Super Colossal - Fairly large". Colorful and uncommon.
    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 10 x 18.75 (inches)