Carte des parties Nord...

Mapmaker: Diderot

Carte des parties Nord...

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    Carte des parties Nord et Est de L'Asie qui comprend cotes de la Russia Asiatique...

    A fascinating set of maps on one sheet that shows the evolving understanding of western portion of North America and neighboring portions of Asia. With one large map and four inset maps, it tracks some landmark stages in the understanding of the US West, from a primitive understanding of the Pacific Coast of America with the islands of Japan looming just off the coast (inset "I"), to the larger map which shows a more substantial depiction of coastal Asia and across the Behring Strait a crude land mass of "Anian" and a potential Northwest passage. Other inset maps include landmark maps such as a small condensed Keno map which finally debunked the conception of the Island of California

    Condition is good with close margins. Image size is approximately 12 x 15