Carte Du Mexique...

Mapmaker: Bernard

Carte Du Mexique...

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    Carte Du Mexique Ou De La Nouvelle Espagne....

    This is an excellent and scarce map of Mexico when New Mexico and Texas were at the fringe of the empire. Texas ("Tecas" here) has a few towns and the location of LaSalles colony, but mainly it is labeled "Great Space of Land Unknown". The Rio Grande is the North River or Bravo River, but it has the Presidio of San Juan at about Laredo, and some towns further north toward El Paso. There are a handful of towns in today's Arizona and New Mexico. The main virtue is the excellent coverage of Mexico with numerous towns noted as far north as the Gila River.

    Condition is very good, with attractive hand color and some . Image size is 11.5 x 15.5 (inches).