(Civil War) Military Map of the Middle and Southern...

Mapmaker: Schaus, W.

(Civil War) Military Map of the Middle and Southern...


  • ~Catalog 63~
  • Military Map of the Middle and Southern States Showing the Seat of War During the Great Rebellion in 1861.

    Detailed general map of the Confederate states extending from the Atlantic to the western borders of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri, and from the Gulf of Mexico to the southern portions of Illinios, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, with water features shown in blue, land in tan, and state boundaries in green. The map shows roads, railroads, cities and towns, rivers, state boundaries, and relief by hachures.

    This full color chromolithographic map printed on thick paper, dissected and mounted on linen and folding into original black leather pocket covers with flap closure. Very rare with only two shown in online holdings, and no appearances in the sales records.

    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 25 x 33.5 (inches)