(CO.) Gold Belt Map of Colorado

Mapmaker: East Argentine Mining Co.

(CO.) Gold Belt Map of Colorado

c. 1903

  • ~Catalog 62~
  • Gold Belt Map Of Colorado Showing the Great GOld Belt of the Rocky Mountains

    A turn of the century promotional map that claims that gold in Colorado is in a pretty predictable band that swings from above Greeley, southwest straight through Central City and Georgetown and on down to the San Juans. THey did have to include a large dot for the digging around Cripple Creek and Victor area, but otherwise no where else. It's an almost comical claim that was used to promote sales of potential mines lands. The map itself though claimed to be from "U.S. Government Surveys", looks to be an extracted portion of a Rand McNally railroad map.

    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 11.25 x 8.25(inches)