(Europe-Asia) Chart of Knowledge

Mapmaker: Chart Of Knowledge Co.

(Europe-Asia) Chart of Knowledge


  • Summer Things 2020 Part IIII
  • (Thematic) Asia - Europe - Chart of Knowledge

    This "Chart of Knowledge" could sum Edward Said's argument on "Orientalism". Here a two sided wheel of data, one side romanticized with exotic illustrations, making Asian people & culture feel extremely different & "other". The European side is simple & futuristic, the only ornamentation being a sleak Blimp drifting across the top. An amazing two-sided chart of facts that is easily symbolic for how the two regions were thought of at the time... even though they were geographical neighbors, with a long history of trade and interaction.

    Condition is good with some light scuffing and warping. Image size is approximately 10.25 (inches)