(Iowa) Sketch of The Public Surveys..

Mapmaker: US Government

(Iowa) Sketch of The Public Surveys..

c. 1839

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    Sketch of The Public Surveys In Iowa Territory

    Probably one of the earliest sketch maps for the territory with a very primitive approach to what is now the very southeastern corner of the state. With most of the area west of the Mississippi just labeled as part of “Old Surveys”, the grid of the survey is simple and just shows divided townships starting around “Otumwa” and stretching north just past Iowa City. Not far above Dubuque starts the “Neutral Ground”, and not far west of Ottumwa is the “Indian Boundary Line”. Shows only seven towns and Ft. Madison in the entire tract.

    Condition is good with close margins and a top border with a small nick of loss, and light misfolds. Image size is 14 x 8.5