Map of the United States of North America

Mapmaker: Ettling

Map of the United States of North America


  • - N. America -U.S.
  • Map of the United States of North America

    Colorado - Deep in the Heart of Texas?

    This grand map for the US was intended to show the situation of the country as the Civil War broke out, showing Confederate states as light, and Union as darker printed red. And while it does a great job for the territories, routes and trails, there is a classic error that makes this unique. The mapmaker in London just logically put the new territory of Colorado (which began in 1861) along the "Colorado River" - in Texas. That's right, it shows from the Rio Grande to the Colorado River, up to the Concho river as "Colorado".

    Condition is good with some old repairs on the corner folds and marginal soiling. Light printed outline marks off the boundary. Image size is 26 x 37(inches), printed color.