Mountain & River Chart

Mapmaker: Teesdale, H.

Mountain & River Chart


  • ~Catalog 55~
  • A Comparative View of the Heights of the Principal Mountains and Lengths of the Principal Rivers in the World.

    A fascinating approach to looking at the world's rivers and mountains all comparatively together. It was a popular image for the time and gives a perspective that is visually attractive. Notes the 94 highest peaks (which is here "Dwahalagiri" in "Bootan".) with a key and height of each. In the midst of the mountains are some of the world's cities, as well as a few great buildings throughout civilization. And from above are all the world's rivers side by side ( the longest is here shown as the "Yangtese Kiang" in China).

    Condition is very good, with some light offsetting. Bold original hand color. Image size is 16.25 x 13.25 (inches).