map of Khumbu Himal nepal tibetan map mounts of the himalayas
Khumbu Himal map with Mount Everest map Sagarmatha rare maps
khumbu himal himalayan maps

Mapmaker: Schneider - Freytag - Berndt und Artaria

(Nepal - Tibet) Khumbu Himal


  • Himalayas
  • Mt Everest
  • Nepal
  • Tibet
  • (Nepal - Tibet) Khumbu Himal, Schneider - Freytag - Berndt und Artaria, 1988
    A 20th century masterpiece. Depicting the dynamic complexity of this portion of
    the Himalayas with subtle color and line work and making it plain to the viewer.
    While there is a legend that explains the role to the different textures, it's already
    understood. With the first edition issued in 1965, this evolving map spans from
    Mt Makalu to Khumbu La in the west. It's treatment of glaciers, terrain, drainages
    and cultural features is refined and through the use of a mild color palette never
    becomes too busy or dense. Condition is good with some marginal tears and wear
    with some old tape on corners. Image size is 32.5 x 45 (inches)