Lapchi Kang Nepal Himalayas map

Mapmaker: Schneider-Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

(Nepal-Tibet) Lapchi Kang


  • Himalayas
  • Lapchi Kang
  • Nepal
  • Tibet
  • (Nepal-Tibet) Lapchi Kang, Schneider-Freytag-Berndt und Artaria, 1985
    A chain of mountains in the northern ranges of the Himalayas, here another
    refined and clearly obivous map of this region of complex terrain. Masterfully
    depicts the mountains and valleys, nearby glaciers and drainages as well as the
    roads, trails and key buildings. Condition is very good with only minor marginal
    fold separartions. Image size is 29 x 34 (inches) $110.00