(Oklahoma) Map of Indian Territory and Oklahoma

Mapmaker: US Government

(Oklahoma) Map of Indian Territory and Oklahoma


  • ~Catalog 59~
  • (Oklahoma) Map of Indian Territory and Oklahoma

    A large format map government published maps for the neighboring territories that would become modern Oklahoma. While showing the situations of the native reservations, it also includes some interesting side notes for the population breakdowns and statistics for the Indian Territory. For example it notes populations of Five Civilized Tribes as "total 178,097" with specifics of "Indians, 50,055; persons of negro descent including claimants of citizenship 18,636; Chinese, 13; whites including some claimants, 109,393". A desirable map for the General Land Office series that documented that rapid development of Oklahoma.

    Condition is very good. Image size is approximately 22.5 x 30(inches)