Sea of Matrimony

Mapmaker: Austen, J. I.

Sea of Matrimony


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    Sea of Matrimony

    There is a long history to these conceptual maps of marriage, they date back literally for centuries, and version gives us a bit of the turn of the century American perspective on the institution. Here, once you leave “Showerville” you head past “Honeymoon Island”, past the “First Quarrel Reef” and run the narrow and dangerous straights between “Cape Henpeck” and “Club Island”. Once you pass the “Sinking Islands” and weave the “Servant Archipelago”, you make it to “Lovinacottage Island”, and the “Isles of Little Blessings”. The good news is that once the children arrive you slide into “Comfort Cove”, you age, and then the next thing you know you pass your “Golden Wedding Island”, and land in the Mountains of Peace, Joy and Heart's Desire. Condition is very good, and is in its original small mailing folder. Great and very uncommon.

    Image size is 8.5 x 10.75 (inches).