Sketch of part of the march & wagon road of Lt. Colonel Cooke fr

Mapmaker: US Government

Sketch of part of the march & wagon road of Lt. Colonel Cooke fr


  • - N. America -U.S.
  • Sketch of part of the march & wagon road of Lt. Colonel Cooke from Santa Fe to the Pacific Ocean,

    Cooke was the commander of the Mormon Battalion that followed the American Army to California during the Mexican War. His route from the Rio Grande to the Gila was south of Kearney's and he issued this map to illustrate his variant route. It passed through a largely unsettled area but does include Tucson ("Tueson"). The intriguing thing about the map is that it includes many descriptive notes of the location of water and other descriptions useful to the traveler. The earliest American map of this region.

    Does have some light patches of foxing, but overall good. Image size is 12 x 23 (inches) Black and white as isssued.