(Tech) Computers And Information Processing

Mapmaker: Botts - Merrill

(Tech) Computers And Information Processing


  • Computer
  • Computer culture
  • internet
  • internet culture
  • Tech
  • Technology
  • (Tech) Computers And Information Processing, Botts-Merrill, c. 1984
    An interesting historical review from the time that divides the computer history into four generations. The first "generation" is a long and bright cast of people from Pascal and Babbage, to Boole and Von Neumann. The second "generation" is much concise, stretching from 1951 to 1964, from Univac I to the development of Fortran at IBM. As "generations" get shorter, the fourth and final runs from 1974 to 1984 and features the impact of Cray super computers as well as Jobs and Wozniak at Apple, amongst others. A very 1980's design feel for the entire image. Condition is very good, with strong color. Overall size is approximately 23.5 x 35 (inches)