(Thematic - Atomic) Kernverschmelzung I

Mapmaker: te Neues, Dr.

(Thematic - Atomic) Kernverschmelzung I


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    (Thematic - Atomic) Kernverschmelzung I

    But how do you actually "do" the nuclear fusion? How does the Hydrogen become Helium? Mechanically, this chart is a way to visualize the process of this modern alchemy. The method shown is containing and constraining particles to be able to enact on them. Strong magnetic fields can hold the nuclear plasma so you are able to target and make the nuclear fusion.

    Yet another glimpse of the cutting edge of science, illustrated in a simple visualization that is almost immediately evident. Dr teNeues produced numerous such charts in the late 1950's and 60's and made the frontiers accessible.

    Condition is very good. Overall size is approximately 39 x 52 (inches)