(Thematic) Broadacre City

Mapmaker: Wright, Frank Lloyd

(Thematic) Broadacre City


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    Broadacre City

    "A New Freedom For Living In America"

    It was the ongoing dream of the great American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, to not only change the style and nature of buildings, but of American life, its cities and suburbs included. This map for his idealized city, Broadacre City, would be a place where, "an acre of ground minimum for the individual" would be alotted, and an astounding list of other concerns would be addressed from "No Slum. No Scum." to "No traffic problem. No back and forth haul", "No major or minor axis". It would be the end of the city as we know it and the highest evolution of the suburb, and a reworking of community and daily life. Of course the construction would be dictated by the environment itself, much like Olmstead's ideals, but this map layout a potential scheme for a complete society, from its water supply and apartment houses to "little farms", "little homes", the place of "Universal worship" and the cemetery.

    Condition is very good (and more interesting than our photo presents). Image size is approximately 18 x 28.5 (inches)