(Thematic - Economic History) SRC Century-Plus Chart of Investment and Economic History

Mapmaker: SRC

(Thematic - Economic History) SRC Century-Plus Chart of Investment and Economic History

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  • corporate history
  • Economic
  • history
  • u.s. economy
  • (Thematic - Economic History) SRC Century-Plus Chart of Investment and Economic History, Securities Reasearch Company, 1985

    In riding the waves of an ever shifting economy, you'd want some spectrum of "past performance", even if it doesn't guarantee future results. It's informative. Matter of fact, you'd want as much of a map of the terrain that the economy has generated, for as long of a history as you could get a hold of. Seeing the macro trends can both reduce the fear of what's around the corner, but also help you prepare for the future. And investment firms knew this. If you can ignore your current losses, and just get the big picture for overall growth, you can steady yourself and hold your positions.
    This large chart compiles a wealth of data from the Dow Jones, British Industrials, S & P, Gross National Product, FRB Industrial Productions, and stretches back to through the 20th and 19th centuries, to the 1780's. Notes the Presidential administrations at the bottom of the chart.
    It would be another two years after this chart was produced that the stock market would experience a crash that would include estimated losses of $ 1.71 trillion (U.S.)
    Condition is very good with strong color on good quality stock. Image size is approximately 20.5 x 40.5 (inches)