(Thematic - Medical) Light and Shade: A Chart...

Mapmaker: M.L.I.

(Thematic - Medical) Light and Shade: A Chart...

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  • culture
  • medical
  • Medical Chart
  • Science
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    (Thematic - Medical) Light and Shade: A Chart..., M.L.I., 1933
    The two colors represent two perspectives and cultures. The blue represents a mythological take on health issues where sacrifices to appease and angry god was your best hope. While in the yellow, on the left we see the beginning of knowledge based understanding where every disease had a natural cause and the search for cures and mechanisms began. Starting at the top where the "Ages of Fear" dominated, at the bottom we reach the "Modern Times" with medical equipment, the beginnings of Bacteriology, vaccines and more. Does supply some amazing contrasts as it shows the advances of microscopy with Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century at the same time that "witchcraft" was still a popular source for healing. An interesting map of sorts to show the progressive of acceptance of medical science and the recession of mystical thinking. Condition is good with some light wear and fading. Image size is approximately 29.25 x 10 (inches)