(Thematic - Music) Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names

Mapmaker: Pop Chart Lab

(Thematic - Music) Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names

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  • culture
  • Hip Hop
  • music
  • rap
  • taxonomy
  • (Thematic - Music) Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names, Pop Chart Labs, 2010

    Not attempting to be a thorough graphic of MCs, this analysis looks at the interesting world of common monikers, or approaches to identity, and gets into some themes of the culture over decades. While the methodology might be a little loose and playful (including "?uestlove" under the "punctuation" node? really?), numerous general nodes will have many connections that span from the 1980's to today (from the "Fat Boys" to "Fat Joe"). Color coding of the different schema does help the image remain clear and usable, and the methodology does bring together both the roots and the new growth in world of rap. This instance was signed and numbered (473/1000), and issued on thick stock. Condition is excellent.