(United States) Carte Generale

Mapmaker: Rochefoucauld-Liancourt

(United States) Carte Generale

c. 1797

  • ~Catalog 55~
  • (United States) Carte Generale Des Etats-Unis De L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses 17 Provinces.

    An uncommon map of the early United States as it was, east of the Mississippi river with territorial borders still being resolved. The most obvious is the cession of Georgia to the US which is still in transition, with a vast chunk of land still being claimed from Georgia. Also prominent is a "North Western Territory" which spans above the Ohio River from the western border of Pennsylvania to the Mississippi River. Shows major towns and forts, and even some of the major roads. Also shows the short lived "Indiana" territory, in a portion of what is present day West Virginia. We don't find this map offered previously in the map price guide.

    Condition is good, though there is loss on a fold that includes part of New York, and the lower edge near the title. This portion has been repaired, but with loss. The right margin has been extended. Size is approximately 18 x 15.75 (inches).