(West - Southwest) Central America II. Including Texas, California And...

Mapmaker: S. D. U. K.

(West - Southwest) Central America II. Including Texas, California And...


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    (West - Southwest) Central America II. Including Texas, California And The Northern State of Mexico, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1842

           From the British philanthropic group that took seriously their mission to inform the masses on the latest geographical information in an age of expansion, change and growth. Here, a classic map for the the meeting of three nations; Mexico, Texas and the United States. Dependably details what was know as for the roads, rivers, towns and the place of native peoples. Full of interesting notations such as the areas covered by early explorers (Escalante, Font, etc), shows an "American Fur Depot" by Salt Lake, and shows a clear network of roads that reach from the rivers of the Midwest, out to Santa Fe and out to the Colorado River. A great reference for the time. Condition is fair with faded hand color, and some marginal repairs and staining. Image size is approximately 12.5 x 15.75 (inches)