A NEW WORLD of Understanding, Jesse Levine, 1982  an alternative take on how to look at the Americas, a "Turnabout Map" that serves to correct perspectival imbalance
(Western Hemisphere - World) A NEW WORLD of Understanding

Mapmaker: Levine, Jesse

(Western Hemisphere - World) A NEW WORLD of Understanding


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    A NEW WORLD of Understanding, Jesse Levine, 1982

    "You're so used to North-South orientation, you think it's part of reality!"                 -Timothy O'Reilly (Author, publisher, tech-genius, nice guy).  O'Reilly speaks of "Frame blindness" as an issue of rigidity of perspective that can rob us of opportunity and understanding. It stops us from freely rethinking things. 

    This map isn't a gimmick. This map just points out that most of us believe that rethinking something at a deep fundamental level is just for "novelty" purposes, not a different approach to reflect on... its something quirky that is easily disregarded. 

    But as humans entered the air age, and then the space age, a slow realization mounted that how we thought about the world was just an artifact of our technology at the time. A map meant to show naval routes might have inherit distortions it favors.

    This simple hemispheric map chafes at some old geographical norms, and also points to a number of bigger issues of priority and significance. It prods us to leave behind the simple Mercator world of the classroom and look for new connections and approaches. 

    Condition is very goo with a few marginal pinholes. Image size is approximately 22 x 16.5 (inches)