(World) I Am America - Freedom Star, Lori Toye- Penny Greenwell, 1992

Mapmaker: Lori Toye- Penny Greenwell

(World) I Am America - Freedom Star


  • prophetic
  • thematic
  • world
  • world map
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    (World) I Am America - Freedom Star, Lori Toye- Penny Greenwell, 1992
    After a series of visions, this is the new earth, called Freedom Star that Lori Toye envisioned. Channeling from spiritual powers that would show the coming cataclysm that would remake earth, here the world is shown both old and new. While no date for the events is given, the map is supposed to confront people on preparing for human response and reaction, as it is certainly coming. This is the large world map that includes the "Golden Cities" or spiritual vortexes that can help people to grow. Locations for cities in the U.S. includes Georgia, Central Illinois, Eastern Colorado, Idaho and Arizona. Videos about Toye's prophecies and history are available online. This large world map has become rare.
    Condition is good with some minor misfolds and wear. Overall size is approximately 37.75 x 53 (inches)