Mappemonde a l'usage du Roy par Guillaume de l'Isle . . .
An attractive and influential world map from one of the leading cartographers of the 18th century. This map closely follows the second state of de l’Isle's world map of 1700, with several interesting alterations. In North America, the Missouri has now been named. The Rocky Mountains appear, and the course of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) is shown extending due north through the mountains. In Africa, the Niger is now separated from the Senegal River (but it’s correct course and outlet remain unknown.) To the south we see Lake Maravi, an early interpretation of the great lakes of East Africa. In Asia, Japan is still incorrectly attached to Yeço (Hokkaido) and to the mainland, but New Guinea is now separated from Australia. Several of the voyage routes found on the 1700 map have been replaced with the more recent routes of Halley (1700), the St. Louis (1708), and the St. Antoine (1710).
Condition is good with some minor repairs to the centerfold. Image size is approximately 17.5 x 26.5 (inches)